The aim of our club is to inspire & encourage; to constantly improve our photographic skills and to occasionally step outside our comfort zones to try new and exciting things. Whether you are relatively new to photography or an experienced amateur, there are always new skills to learn and fellow members to help you on your creative journey.

We meet at the Katoomba RSL club in the auditorium on the first and third Monday of each month from February to December, arriving between 7:00pm & 7:15pm for a prompt 7:30m start. Please remember to sign in (as well as any COVID check-in at the venue) as it is vital for our Public Liability Insurance cover.
An overview of member’s information can be found here New Member Info

Our Constitution

The latest UBMCC constitution was adopted in December 2022 and can be viewed here UBMCC Constitution

Code of Conduct

The UBMCC follows the Federation of Camera Clubs (FCC) code of conduct which can be viewed here UBMCC Code of Conduct
In accordance to the code of conduct guidelines the UBMCC has adopted a policy to address possible conflicts and disputes. Click on the link UBMCC Conflict and Dispute policy to view or download.

Exhibition nights

On our exhibition nights members submit up to three images in any combination of 3 image categories:
DPI – Digital Projected Image includes both colour and monochrome
CP – Colour Print
MP – Monochrome Print (NOTE: the recognised definition of monochrome according to the FCC is “A photograph developed or executed in black and white or in varying tones of only one colour.” So that could be all greens, all blues, sepia etc.)
The number of images that you can submit may change from time to time. Currently a total of three images can be submitted. These could all be in one category or spread across two to three categories. Further information about submitting images can be found here Submitting Images

Information nights

Our information nights provide an opportunity to share expertise, learn new skills and explore new styles of photography in preparation for a theme night. They might include:

  • Short talks or presentations by members
  • Guest speakers
  • Focusing on a theme
  • Mini-workshops, demonstrations etc

During 2023 developing a personal project/portfolio will be a key part of our information nights.