Financial Matters

Financial Matters

Membership fees are paid annually and are due in February each year. The fees pay for equipment, ongoing expenses including Public Liability Insurance plus a sum of money to visiting judges and presenters to help cover the cost of their travel.
There is no additional weekly cost. We do encourage members to buy a hot or cold beverage on the night to support our hosts but this is not obligatory.

All fees (and mat board purchases) are to be paid online only. (ie no cash transactions).

Full membership fees are $50 per year.
Concession membership fees(pensioners and students) – $30 per year

Prospective new members – contact the Treasurer before the payment of any fees. You will then be sent a ‘Membership Application’ form and further details about joining.

Go to our Payment page for account details

When making a payment remember to add your full name to the transfer so that we know who paid.
It would be helpful as well to note what you are paying for (eg FEES  Joe Bloggs)

If you are purchasing Mat Boards prior to an Exhibition night please indicate this also eg ‘BLACK MATS Joe Bloggs’ OR  ‘WHITE MATS  Joe Bloggs’)

Thank you in advance.