Image categories for Exhibition Nights
Our Exhibition nights include three primary categories as follows:
- Digital Projected Image – [DPI] – includes both colour and monochrome
- Colour Print – [CP]
- Monochrome Print – [MP]
NOTE: the recognised definition of monochrome, according to the Federated Camera Club of NSW (FCC), is:
“A photograph developed or executed in Black and White or varying tones of only one colour.” So that could be all greens, all blues, sepia etc.)
Currently a total of three images can be submitted. These could all be in one category or spread across two to three categories.
Sizing your images
Images must be submitted in JPG (jpeg) format and have specific dimension requirements as below:
- Landscape images – 1920 pixels on the long edge (width) x 1200 on the short edge (height).
- Portrait images – 1200 pixels on the long edge (height).
- Square images – 1200 pixels x 1200 pixels.

Images must not exceed the dimensions outlined above. If in doubt, use the rule of thumb that the height of your image, irrespective of shape, should not exceed 1200 pixels. The only exception is when using aspect ratios of 1:2 or 1:3 ratios for landscape images, in these cases the long edge should not exceed 1920 pixels.
If you are exhibiting PRINTS you must also submit your print images as DPIs prepared as described above.
Image export settings
When exporting your images from your preferred editing software, the following settings are advised:
- Colour Space – set to sRGB.
- Image Quality – set quality to maximum.
- Image File Size – up to but not exceeding 2Mb (2000Kb)
File naming conventions
When naming your file for submission, the following details need to be inlcuded:
- Type of Image – the category your image is being entered into [Type of image], enclosed in square brackets followed by a space.
- Title of your image – do not use full stops or underscores when titling your image. Use spaces between words in your title, followed by an underscore not a hyphen.
- Author’s Initials – your initials in capitals, e.g. initials of your first name and last name only, unless advised otherwise by the club
- JPG file extension – You do not need to add this; it will be included when you save the file.

The following are examples for each competition category:
- [DPI] Brilliant Sunrise_AB.JPG
- [CP] Brilliant Sunrise_AB.JPG
- [MP] Brilliant Sunrise_AB.JPG
- When submitting an image for a ‘Set subject’, after the Title/name of image leave a space then type S. Do NOT use any full stops or hyphens.
[DPI] Brilliant Sunshine S_AB.JPG
Please check all of the details are correct before submitting them via email.
Submitting your images
Your images should be emailed as attachments*, all in one email, no later than THURSDAY EVENING (Midnight Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), or Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT)) before the club’s monthly Exhibition Night, which is held on the first Monday of every month.
Email submissions to the club DPI email address [email protected]
Please ensure that your email program doesn’t automatically reduce the size of your attached images even further in the mistaken belief that it is helping you. (* ✉︎ Apple Mail users – please ensure you select — Image Size: Actual Size)
The DPIs of your prints need to be prepared and emailed following all the instructions and timelines above.
You will receive an automated reply that your email has been received.
Prints must be neatly framed in a mat board no larger than 40cm x 50cm. The TITLE and your NAME must be written on a sticker on the back of your print.
On the evening of the exhibition night, please arrive at Katoomba RSL between 7.00 and 7.15pm to set up your prints on the colour and monochrome display boards.
Then you can mingle, perhaps with a beverage of your choice, and be ready to sit back, relax and enjoy the evening’s entertainment which starts promptly at 7.30pm!