New Member Info

Member information

Signing in

All visitors, prospective members and members are required to sign in at each club meeting. This ensures that there is a register in case of an emergency and ensures coverage through Public liability.

Prospective members may attend up to three club nights as a visitor before membership fees are due.

Exhibition Nights

Where – Katoomba RSL – 86, Lurline Street, Katoomba.
When – 7:30pm, the first Monday of each month, with the exception of January.

Arrive between 7pm and 7:15pm to chat with other members and set up/view prints, ready for a prompt 7.30pm start. Hot or cold refreshments can be purchased directly from the RSL bar.
Generally, exhibition nights are ‘open’ (that is, no theme) with the option of a ‘set’ subject. This allows members to submit their favourite photographic subjects and work within a designated theme/tighter confines if they wish to.
On a few exhibition nights each year we have a ‘theme’ night exploring a particular area of photography. Dates and topics can be found on the calendar and regular reminders are always posted via email.


Select your best images to submit. We have 3 categories:
Digital Projected Images [DPIs] in either colour or monochrome
Colour Prints [CP] and
Monochrome Prints [MP].

The total number of DPIs or prints you may submit for an exhibition night may vary from time to time. Currently we are limiting submissions to a total of three images. This ensures that there is time for full feedback on each image. You could submit up to three images in a single category or a total of up to three images across two or more categories.

Images are to be submitted by the close of the Thursday preceding the first Monday of the month.
Please go to the ‘Submitting Images page for instructions on resizing and renaming your image files for emailing.

Critiquing/judging of images

This may be done by a panel of three Federation of Camera Clubs (FCC) trained club member judges or by a guest judge who may be a professional photographer. Constructive comments and a score out of 15 are given for each image.

Members Choice

Members have an opportunity to vote for their favourite Colour and Mono image. Add your mark to the tally sheet.

Information Nights

Where – Katoomba RSL 88, Lurline Street, Katoomba.
When – 7:30pm, the third Monday of each month, from February to November.

Arrive between 7pm and 7:15pm to chat with other members ready for a prompt 7.30pm start. Hot or cold refreshments can be purchased directly from the RSL bar.
Information nights provide an opportunity to share expertise, learn new skills and explore new styles of photography in preparation for a theme night.

Members Fees

Prospective new members should contact the Treasurer BEFORE the payment of any fees. You will then be sent a ‘Membership Application’ form and further details about joining.

As a club member, you can submit images for our monthly exhibition nights or other events during the Camera Club year. You can also give feedback to the committee on any issue by email. Click here for [Contact Us] page.
If there are things you like … tell us. If there are things you think could be improved … tell us. If you have a great idea for future events or guest judges … tell us. With your help we can make the club even better.